Jul 17, 2019

Barchart Announces Grain Buyer Roadshow

Free cmdtyExchange Roadshow will take place in five states across the Midwest this summer

Barchart, a provider of data and analytics to the commodities industry, launches the cmdtyExchange Roadshow, a free conference series being held in five states across the Midwest this summer.

Taking place August 26-30, the cmdtyExchange Roadshow will bring grain buyers, elevators/co-ops, processors, commodity professionals, and industry experts together to gain insights and perspectives on the 2019 grain market, and to share information on the latest data and tools used to manage physical grain buying.

In addition to learning about the tools and technology currently driving commodity markets, the program gives attendees an in-depth look at data, analytics and tools behind Barchart's cmdty product line - including an overview of Barchart's patent-pending county, growing region and state-based grain price and basis indexes. To view the full agenda, please select a city onthe website.

"We're excited to take the cmdtyExchange conference on the road this summer and have the opportunity to connect with grain buyers and other agricultural professionals across the Midwest," says Mark Haraburda, Barchart's CEO. "Technology and data are driving change in today's commodity markets and we look forward to exploring these topics with the agricultural community, and providing insight into how our cmdty product line can help ag professionals drive more value for their business."

In May, Barchart hosted the inaugural cmdtyExchange conference in Chicago which brought together over 300 agriculture and commodity professionals. The three-day event included panel discussions from industry-leading speakers and sponsors, startup presentations from emerging AgTech startups, multiple networking opportunities, as well as an in-depth look at the cmdty product line.

cmdtyExchange Roadshow dates and locations include:

8/26 - Old Boston's Restaurant & Pub - Ft. Dodge, IA
8/27 - FireWorks Restaurant - Lincoln, NE
8/28 - 44 Stone Public House - Columbia, MO
8/29 - The Gin Mill - Decatur, IL
8/30 - The Warehouse - Marion, OH

To register and to learn more about the cmdtyExchange Roadshow, please visitcmdtyexchange.com.

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide

Semi-Automatic Hand-Prompt Batching Station

  • Designed to eliminate bad batches resulting from operator error and interruption
  • Operator involvement through each step in the batching process

C-LEVER EVA HE Controller

  • For bulk solids, accuracy is not impacted by different material densities, irregular material flows or extreme friction
  • All connections available (Ethernet, Profibus, CANbus, etc.) as standard equipment to easily connect/coordinate with existing systems

SORTEX H SpectraVision

  • 实时性me tracking of sorting performance and emergency warnings with SORTEX Monitoring System
  • Newly designed in-house full-color cameras provide best color differentiation for subtlest of color defects

Feed Ordering Hub

  • Cloud-based hub designed to increase feed ordering and scheduling automation
  • Allows feed mills to make data-driven decisions and allocate resources better

24" Scalperators

  • Provides high capacity method for removing roughage, light fines and chaff in a single pass
  • Large material scalping and air density separation in one pass

Aqua MicroFeed System

  • Enables users to produce microfeed at 40% increased capacity
  • Optimized die can withstand higher pressure caused by smaller holes due to stronger construction, larger diameter and bigger open surface, and smart die base to create equal distribution of feed toward larger die


Marketwatch: Jul, 02

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 7.1488
high: 7.3886
low: 7.0173
close: 7.0525

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 15.7324
high: 16.5525
low: 15.3323
close: 15.3637

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 9.0002
low: 8.5501
close: 8.6212

US Soft Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:ZWPAUS.CM

open: 8.1033
high: 8.308
low: 7.749
close: 7.8078