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Jun 04, 2018

Alliance Feed Holds Groundbreaking in Indiana

Feed mill will use 6 million bushels of locally grown corn annually

Alliance Feed, LLC celebrated the groundbreaking of its new feed mill at the location of Farmers Grain & Feed Co. just east of Columbia City, IN.

Once completed the modern feed mill will feature a state-of the art pelletizer and will use 6 million bushels of locally grown corn annually. Alliance Feed will employ about 13 people to fulfill daily mill operations.

logo_alliance_feed_webAlliance Feed, LLC is a joint venture between Co-Alliance, LLP and Farmers Grain & Feed Company.

“我们期待与碎片family and Farmers Grain on this exciting new venture which we believe will help farming families in the community for generations,” says Co-Alliance CEO Kevin Still.

Regionally manufactured feed supports farmers on two levels: it gives grain farmers another market for their crop and gives livestock farmers a consistent, quality, and local source for their feed.

特里碎片ly, president of Farmers Grain sees the venture as a natural next step for his multigenerational business.

“Our family history is rooted in agriculture. We are excited to diversify our grain operations by producing livestock feed for our local farmers from the grain they store at our facility.”

Alliance Feed looks to emulate the success of the Co-Alliance feed mill in Reynolds, Indiana. Reynolds Feed is currently operating above expectations, producing 250,000 tons of feed for 750,000 pigs annually. The new mill in Columbia City strategically locates multiple modern feed facilities across northern Indiana allowing more partnering opportunities with both growers and producers.

The construction of the feed mill also represents potential diversification for the area’s family farms. Alliance Feed is actively seeking local producers building barns and managing pigs.

Alliance Feed has a construction completion target of July 2019.

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