兰迪·弗莱(Randy Fry)获得了顶级领导奖
Randy Fry, Data Process and Information Systems Manager with Ceres Solutions Cooperative, received AgGateway's Ron Storms Leadership Award, the organization's top honor. The award recognizes repeated, outstanding efforts by an AgGateway volunteer member in promoting collaboration among AgGateway teams and advancing initiatives to enable eConnectivity. In presenting the award, former Ron Storms recipient Dennis Daggett of ProAg described Fry as a driving force and champion of the AgGateway mission, both inside and outside the organization.
弗莱(Fry)曾在Aggateway的运营委员会任职,并担任种子委员会和自动识别数据捕获(AIDC)工作组的领导职务。最近,他领导了创建一个informational video关于种子和AG零售业务的条形码,并有一篇有关克服电子实施和条形码的反对的专栏十一月通讯。
AgGateway also presented its annual AgGateway in Action Awards. Recipients are chosen by the leadership within various council segments, recognizing individuals who have moved connectivity efforts forward in the current year. The 2017 winners include Jeff Griffeth of Co-Alliance, presented by the Ag Retail Council; Steve Daigle of Elemica, the Allied Providers Council; Robert Kovalsky of The Mosaic Co., the Crop Nutrition Council; Mike Glidden of JR Simplot, the Crop Protection Council; Scott Nieman of Land O' Lakes, the Grain & Feed Council; Dick Moore of Red Wing Software, the Precision Ag Council; Randy Fry of Ceres Solutions, the Seed Council; and Donald Green of Crop Production Services, the Specialty Chemical Council.
Barcoding Inc.因其今年的贡献而获得了运营委员会的认可。该公司因其在AIDC工作队的领导而受到赞扬,因为其在帮助公司阐明和促进Econectivity的价值以及其在Aggateway的通讯和社交媒体计划中的工作中的作用。
In addition, President & CEO Wendy Smith gave the 2017 President's Award to Jeremy W. Wilson, Technology Specialist at Crop IMS. Smith described Wilson as a tireless AgGateway advocate who "presents our message and the results of our work to many audiences, stressing with them the importance of standards and implementing eConnectivity." Wilson is active on AgGateway's precision agriculture teams, and recently helped conduct a successful grain traceability proof-of-concept on his farm in Olney, Ill.
AgGateway年会引起国际business and IT professionals from across the industry. AgGateway extends its thanks to the many generous conference sponsors, including Titanium Sponsors: AGDATA, Monsanto, F4F (Part of Proagrica); Gold Sponsors: BASF, The Mosaic Co., WinField United; Silver Sponsors: AGCO, Brandt, Crop Production Services, Dow AgroSciences, EFC Systems, John Deere, Rosen's Diversified, Syngenta; and Conference Sponsors: ACS, AgCIO Roundtable, AgVantage Software, ARMtech Insurance Services, Barcoding Inc., Bayer CropScience, CF Industries, DTN/The Progressive Farmer, DXC.technology, GROWMARK, Key Cooperative, Software Solutions Integrated (SSI), SST Software (agX), Wilbur-Ellis, and XS Inc.