The U.S. average corn yield was record large in 1985, 1986, and 1987 and established new highs five times in the succeeding 26 years. Similarly, the U.S. average soybean yield was record large in 1985 and established new highs eight times in the succeeding 26 years. The most recent record yield was in 2009 for both crops. Average yields were below trend value in each of the past four years.
The USDA's weekly ratings of corn conditions have also supported high yield expectations. As of June 8 (23rd week of the year), 75 percent of the crop in the 18 major corn producing states was rated in either good or excellent condition. In the previous 28 years (excluding 1995 when ratings were not yet available due to extremely late planting) an average of 66 percent of the crop was rated in good or excellent condition at the end of the 23rd week. The portion of the crop rated in good or excellent condition was higher than this year in only five previous years. Crop condition ratings tend to decline as the growing season progresses and early season ratings are not a good indicator of either final ratings or the U.S. average yield. Still, the current high ratings along with a mostly favorable weather outlook are keeping yield expectations high. The major concerns in the near term center on deteriorating conditions in areas that have received excessive rainfall in recent weeks. The effect of flooding and ponding may begin to be revealed in the crop condition ratings to be released today. Those concerns are legitimate, but are likely outweighed by the beneficial impact of favorable weather in most areas.
Soybean planting also started slowly this year, but a larger than average portion of the crop was planted before the end of May. For the week ended June 8, 74 percent of the crop in the 18 major soybean producing states was rated in either good or excellent condition. Soybean condition ratings were reported for the 23rd week of the year in 17 of the 28 years from 1986 through 2013. On average, only 62 percent of the crop was rated in good or excellent condition for that week. The previous record high rating was 73 percent in 2010. Soybean crop condition ratings tend to decline even more than for corn as the growing season progresses and early season ratings are not always a good indicator of the final U.S. average yield. Recent and upcoming heavy rainfall in some areas will likely begin to be reflected in deteriorating ratings, but yield expectations remain high.
Darrel Good发行
Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics