Mar 08, 2017

US Southern Plains Continue to be Dry

Grains Continue to Bleed Lower Overnight

Grains continued to bleed lower overnight with front-month May beans trading to their lowest level in two weeks. In outside markets, crude oil gave up 50 cents a barrel while the US Dollar and equity futures trended higher.

Soybean imports for February were 5.5 MMT which is 23% below the January import total but still 28% above the same month last year. Both the hog margin in China and soybean crush margins have been moving lower over the past month.


The US Southern Plains continue to be dry with high wind conditions. The winter wheat crop is reportedly 3 weeks ahead of normal in terms of maturity with only modest chances of rain in the SE Plains over the next two weeks. However, ample global supplies should keep prices in check, while also giving the market a break was news that Japan would skip its regular weekly wheat tender.

Tomorrow’s USDA report is expected to show no major changes to US carryout figures. However, traders do expect USDA to ratchet up Brazil crop forecasts for soybeans to 105.9 (vs 104 in Feb) and corn to 87.8 (8.5 previously). Argentina crop estimates are expected to stay mostly the same from February.

美国在Febru私人雇主增加了298000个工作岗位ary, well above economists' expectations, a report by a payrolls processor showed on Wednesday. Economists surveyed by Reuters had forecast the ADP National Employment Report would show a gain of 190,000 jobs, with estimates ranging from 150,000 to 247,000. This pushed the dollar higher in early morning trade. Official government jobs data will come on Friday morning.

The risk of trading futures, hedging, and speculating can be substantial. Grain Hedge is a Branch of Foremost Trading LLC (NFA ID: 0307930)

Kevin McNew

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Marketwatch: Jul, 01

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 7.4227
high: 7.4825
low: 7.1372
close: 7.1434

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 15.9907
high: 16.2953
low: 15.8114
close: 15.9058

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 9.4799
high: 9.5285
low: 8.9965
close: 9.0161

US Soft Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:ZWPAUS.CM

open: 8.5325
high: 8.6497
low: 8.1008
close: 8.1586