Mike Bellar, a Kansas Soybean Commission director, was elected chairman
Mike Bellar, a Kansas Soybean Commission director, was elected chairman.Bellar - 培养大豆,玉米,小麦和牛 - 曾担任2017年至2018年至2018年至2016年至2016年的STC副主席和秘书长。
Joel Schreurs was elected vice chairman.来自泰勒,明尼苏达州的大豆和玉米农民,Schreurs于2017年至2018年担任STC秘书财务主管。他也是明尼苏达大豆种植者协会和美国大豆协会的董事。
Jonathan Miller — who raises soybeans, corn and wheat in Island, Kentucky — was elected secretary-treasurer.他也是肯塔基大豆委员会的董事。
"The newly elected officers of the Soy Transportation Coalition board will continue our legacy of having effective and innovative farmer leadership," said STC Executive Director Mike Steenhoek in a press release.