U.S. ethanol exports to Mexico have increased by more than 3.5 million gallons between the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 marketing years
For shipment primarily from Pacific Northwest grain export terminals from June to September
Biggest purchase of this grain since trade war began; fuels hope for more deals as trade talks continue
Outlook for 2018/19 U.S. wheat this month is for larger supplies, lower exports, reduced domestic use, and higher ending stocks
E Y Inc., Jud, ND, received $64,888 judgment against Hunter Hanson, 21
Ohio River Olmsted Locks and Dams (L&D) did not report any down-bound grain traffic
Total inspections of grain for export from all major U.S. export regions reached 2.20 MMT
Eligible grain handling facilities must file for restoration of exception by March 20
Midwest Grain Products and Harcros Chemicals are said to have violated Clean Air Act and put public in danger
Snowfall across Colorado during February brought relief to drought-stressed areas
Company recognizes excellence in customer service and support
Aeration Systems, Safety, Grain Bin Fires and Materials Handling courses available
Grainbridge digital grain marketing tools improve decision making and online marketing for farmers
Silver Sage Farms to press organic alfalfa pellets this June
Organic businesses may now voluntarily pre-enroll to help minimize or eliminate organic fraud
Need to post big numbers in months ahead to meet government export forecasts for current marketing year
FY 2019 grain and feed exports are forecast down $100M to $33.7B
Cars derailed at Westlock Grain Elevator in Alberta
The rule expanding sales of so-called E15 was promised by President Trump late last year
Acquires IntelliFarms, a provider of hardware and software solutions based in Missouri
Bigger global crops, continued export competition could keep lid on wheat prices
Beijing pledged to expand domestic soybean output this year amid its trade war with the U.S.
Company has invested more than $2M in renovations in Garden City facility
Michael Irmen will retire in July 2019
South Dakota regulators investigating Green Leaf Commodities, Rapid City
Markets remain in limbo with no concrete news about broader trade progress
Stacia Sonderman joins as regional sales manager serving Minnesota
West Central offers crop protection, nutrients and other specialized agronomy products
Soybean meal has become more attractive for domestic hog feeders as prices of DDGs has risen
Could mean a drop in prices