The committee voted 21-0 to approve S. 3591, dubbed the America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) of 2020, which includes a section (Section 1069) that would increase to 65 percent the federal government’s share for funding construction and major rehabilitation of each inland waterways navigation project. The remaining 35 percent would be paid by commercial users of the inland waterways, such as barge and towboat operators through barge diesel fuel taxes deposited into the Inland Waterways Trust Fund (IWTF). Currently, the cost-share formula is an even 50:50 split.
“...(c)悬挂的内陆水路建设的成本分配和导航项目的主要康复,如Awia 2020立法草案所提出的,这都是一个必要和审慎的政策改革,其中有一个先例,”NGFA在a statement submitted for the record prior to today’s Senate committee action. “This provision would expedite such projects and bring the U.S. inland waterways transportation system into the 21st century.”
Awia 2020接下来参加参议院的地板考虑,NGFA敦促迅速考虑和对措施的通过。NGFA还支持房屋交通和基础设施委员会的努力,很快批准其立法版本。阅读参议院账单的截面截图这里。阅读更多关于NGFA的交通基础设施优先事项的更多信息这里。