Nov 11, 2021

MARS to Host In-Person Winter Meeting

Event will take place January 12-13 in Lombard, IL

source:Midwest Association of Rail Shippers (MARS)


The theme for the 257th meeting, "Restarting the Supply Chain with Rail," will offer insights on the current state and recovery of the supply chain from various industry experts.

“铁路行业领导者和托运人从来没有成为一个更重要的时期,讨论如何通过铁路创造价值和更多的货物,”Mars总裁Stefan Loeb说。

"With supply chain challenges come opportunity. Opportunities abound for railroads, rail suppliers, and rail constituents in general to assist shippers in need. This conference, with its unbeatable lineup of industry leaders, will look to examine and discuss every angle of this for the benefit of our attendees and members."


The meeting will feature presentations from key industry leaders including:

  • Kevin Boone, Executive Vice President Sales & Marketing, CSX Transportation
  • Keith Creel, President & CEO, Canadian Pacific
  • Anthony B. Hatch, President, ABH Consulting
  • 美国铁路协会总裁兼首席执行官Ian Jeffries
  • Michael Miller, President, North America, Genesee & Wyoming
  • Gregg Mitchell, Chief Commercial Officer, Trinity Industries, Inc.
  • Mathew Nee, General Manager Logistics Services, U.S. Steel
  • ·Adam Nordstrom, Principal, Viking Navigation
  • Patrick J. Ottensmeyer, President & CEO, Kansas City Southern Railway
  • 威尔斯法尔戈公司威尔斯法尔戈公司蒂莫西奎南
  • Kenny Rocker, Executive Vice President Marketing & Sales, Union Pacific Railroad
  • Dan Smith, CEO, WATCO
  • James A. Squires, Chairman, President & CEO, Norfolk Southern Corp.

Typically, the MARS Winter Meeting draws more than 800 attendees. The January 2022 meeting includes more than eight hours of informative presentations and eight hours of dedicated networking time.

"2022 will be a pivotal year for the rail industry and its shipper community,” said Loeb. "Please join us in January, and help be part of the future solution and success of the industry and our mutual customers."

The meeting cost is $275. Like other recent Winter Meetings, this one will also feature the popular vendor expo which will take place on January 12. Registration and more information are available online这里。

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide

Bovizyme™ GA Enzyme

  • Enzyme solution that improves starch digestion efficiency for non-steam flaker feed yards
  • Improved feed efficiency through increased bodyweight gain and lower feed intake

VersaMix Triple Shaft Mixers

  • 用于混合需要有效的粉末分散的应用和培养基至高粘度浆液,糊剂,凝胶,乳膏和悬浮液的临界均质化
  • 具有固体/液体注入歧管(SLIM)技术转子/定子的高剪切搅拌机

GUC-F Controller

  • Multichannel feeding and dosing controller
  • Control solution for feeding and weighing applications in powder handling applications
  • Flexible and modular design with analog and digital load cells


  • 提供精确可靠的连续质量批量流量测量散装固体,精度为+/- 0.5%满量程
  • 措施的质量可流动的固体的密度10 to 100 pounds/cubic foot and flow rates from 700 to 7,000 cubic feet/hour


  • 10.1” touchscreen
  • Easy to install in new or existing systems

Sanderson Farms Feed Mill Expansion - Kinston,NC

  • Construction of a whole grain silo expansion (76’ diameter x 145’ tall) to hold 500,000 bushels
  • Expansion also includes a 12’x17’x22’ deep boot pit extension at the end of the existing receiving tunnel


Marketwatch: Jan, 27


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