On Wednesday,马雷尔announced an agreement to acquireWengerMFG。LLC,处理解决方案的全球领导者专注于宠物食品,基于植物的蛋白质和Aqua Feed,价格为5.4亿美元,在2022年第二季度关闭。
"Wenger is a true leader in its field of providing solutions and services to the pet food industry and aqua feed industries, and has in recent years, made its mark on the fast-growing plant-based protein consumer market with best-in-class solutions positioned right in the center point of the value chain," says Arni Oddur Thordarson, CEO of Marel.
A new business segment, based on the Wenger platform, will constitute Marel’s fourth pillar alongside poultry, meat and fish, and will be focused on the sizeable growth markets of pet food, plant-based proteins and aqua feed.
"Wenger shares Marel’s passion for innovation and commitment to best-in-class products, backed by an experienced team and long-standing partnerships with customers," says Thordarson.
温格董事会主席特雷弗·安格尔(Trevor Angell)表示,他的公司享有多元化和忠诚的客户群,从蓝筹宠物食品加工机到植物性蛋白质的初创公司,这导致了健康的盈利能力,强大的现金流量,现金流量和可靠的投资资本回报率。
The addressable market for Marel and Wenger in solutions and services within pet food, plant-based proteins and aqua feed is estimated to be around EUR 2 billion with expected annual growth of 4% to 6%, in line with Marel’s long-term market growth expectations.
Throughout the years, Marel has gradually expanded its playing field and is now the only pure-play provider of full-line solutions, software, and services to the poultry, meat, and fish industries.
Thordarson说:“在该地区增加了温格的强大能力,Marel正在加速其旅程,并且有能力利用为宠物食品,植物性蛋白质和Aqua Feed提供的大型且有吸引力的增长市场提供转型解决方案。”
Planned initiatives include expanding manufacturing capacity to respond to high demand in Wenger’s core markets. Aftermarket revenues represent over 40% of Wenger’s revenues, and Marel’s global reach and digital platform will support a more proactive aftermarket approach to better service customers around the world.