Apr 22, 2022


Inspections marked a 12% decrease from the 5-year average

source:USDA Grain Transportation Report


The year-to-year decrease in total grain inspections reflected lower inspections of all three commodities — corn, soybean and wheat.

Also, total inspections decreased from year to year for all major export regions, except the Interior.

First-quarter 2022 inspections marked a 12% decrease from the 5-year average.

Overall, grain inspections decreased mainly because offalling demand from Asia.

Breakdowns by region

U.S. Gulf:At 20 MMT, first-quarter 2022 grain inspections at U.S. Gulf ports were up 8% from the 5-year average and down 13% year to year.

Also, year to year, U.S. Gulf wheat inspections were up 23% because of less competition from Russian and Canadian wheat.

Total U.S. Gulf soybean inspections were down 26%, as a result of a drop in shipments to Latin America and Asia. U.S. Gulf corn inspections were down 7%.


Barge movements of grain to the U.S. Gulf through the locking sections of the Mississippi, Ohio and Arkansas Rivers were also down significantly.

Pacific Northwest.At 9 MMT, first-quarter grain inspections in Pacific Northwest (PNW) ports were unchanged from the 5-year average and down 16% year to year.

PNW玉米检查减少了24%,小麦检验减少了27% - 两滴反映了亚洲和拉丁美洲的需求较低。

PNW first-quarter soybean inspections, however, were up 6%. Overall, lower PNW inspections were reflected in a 13% drop in first-quarter rail deliveries of grain to PNW ports.

大西洋和大湖。At 0.905 MMT, first-quarter grain inspections for Atlantic and Great Lakes ports were up 45% from the 5-year average and up 1% year to year.


Interior.At 4.9 MMT, first-quarter grain inspections in the Interior rose 33% from the 5-year average and rose 16% year to year.

At 3.8 MMT, Interior shipments of grain to Mexico were up 19%, and at 0.35 MMT, shipments to China were up 144%.

Inspections of corn rose 15%, soybeans rose 11%, and wheat rose 34%.

Market Outlook

根据这一点April release of USDA’s WASDE(World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates), the projected corn exports for marketing year (MY) 2021/22 did not change from the March WASDE numbers.

The forecast for wheat exports decreased, however, and the soybean exports forecast slightly increased.

From MY 2020/21, U.S. corn exports are projected to fall 9%; wheat exports are projected to decrease 21%; and soybean exports are projected to fall 6%.


Cumulative year-to-date export sales of wheat are 22% below MY 2020/21.

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