Mar 10, 2020

Barchart Helps Connect Grain Elevators, Producers


source: Barchart

Barchart, a leading provider of commodity data and agribusiness solutions, announces the release ofMarketplace, a solution that connects grain buyers with their producers in ways that were not previously possible.


"Both our grain elevator partners and producer network have consistently asked us for easier ways to communicate and negotiate with each other over their mobile devices," says Keith Petersen, head of strategy at Barchart. "Marketplace is designed to do exactly that by taking our deep relationships with 2,200+ grain elevators and providing them with branded apps they can provide to their users with no cost to the producer."

More than just information on local grain prices and futures, Marketplace apps connect farmers directly into merchandiser workflows by tying their app to the cmdtyView Pro grain trading platform which is already on merchandiser desktops.

"By allowing our grain merchandisers to chat with their farmers and make offers directly through the software they use everyday, we are tying together the entire grain merchandiser workflow in one place," added Petersen.


  • Grain elevators provide their producers with free access to a Marketplace app which ties into workflows across desktop and mobile
  • Fully branded to the elevator, a custom Marketplace app keeps their brand in front of producers
  • Merchandisers can stay in touch with their farmers through chat and negotiate in real time with built-in grain offer management
  • Farmers can easily submit offers to sell their grain via the app and receive instant updates from elevators when offers are accepted
  • Because Marketplace is seamlessly integrated with cmdtyView Pro it simplifies workflows for grain buyers
  • Elevators can deliver push notifications directly to the app, pulling users into a branded experience.

作为Agribusiness社区的数据和工作流解决方案的提供者,Barchart致力于提供比以往任何时候都更容易制作粮食购买和销售的工具。使用粮食投标管理解决方案,品牌市场应用程序和一流的商品分析平台 - CMDTYVIEW Pro - Barchart产品系列的Cmdty提供谷物电梯,具有最全面的农业套房套件,以发展其业务。

Learn more about cmdty and Marketplace in May at ourGrain Summit 2020 in Chicago.

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  • Accurate, dry analysis in seconds

Select and Select IS Chain Conveyors

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  • Comprehensive, real-time drawings and complete spec document with every quote

Raptor Spark Detection & Extinguishing Kits

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  • Includes Raptor Spark RS-CUSP1L control panel, two spark detectors, extinguishing kit, flexible hoses, audible alarm and warning light

EVO 50™ Grain Bins

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  • Interlaced laminated sheets

iCue™ Connected Filtration Service

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Series II™ Mill

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  • Test grain for mycotoxins, GMOs or various other contaminants


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