A Collaborative Solution to Food Safety Management
The ever-changing face of food safety and regulation has has prompted Leavitt Partners, Faegre & Benson and B&D Consulting to join forces in providing companies involved in the global food supply chain with a collaborative solution to food safety management. This joint effort offers guidance to companies seeking to navigate the shifting food safety challenges of today’s systems, and the new regulations resulting from the passage of the 2011 Food and Drug Administration Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
潜在的ly contaminated or adulterated animal feed fed to swine can have varying legal implications ranging from customer management and regulatory compliance to complex litigation. Experienced legal counseling and representation is critical given the broad and varied implications of food safety issues, including regulatory enforcement and private litigation.
As soon as the client is aware of the feed additive that may have been contaminated or adulterated, Faegre & Benson works with that client to create a response plan and engage in risk management. Faegre & Benson is prepared to advise the client on supply chain management issues, counseling and reporting requirements, recall plans, avoiding or preparing for potential FDA enforcement actions, handling commercial claims and litigation arising from food contamination, addressing recall labeling issues, and advising on food labeling and recordkeeping requirements. Particularly important in this scenario, Faegre & Benson will assist in navigating the complex jurisdictional and regulatory issues that arise when both US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (which regulates feed) and the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) (which regulates meat) are involved in a food safety issue.
下一步将是审查即时所需的行动;例如,是否有对FDA的报告要求,例如可报告的食品注册表。Faegre&Benson还将帮助客户评估召回的可能性 - 知道是否需要召回,如果是的,则指导客户完成召回程序的每个步骤。这包括在此过程中采取必要步骤的咨询,以最大程度地减少对商业和消费者索赔的接触,与代理商合作谈判成本最低的行动,并帮助获得保险(如果有)。
Faegre & Benson also assists in appropriate communication of the legal issues with customers of the potentially adulterated product. This is critical in managing downstream risk. If other litigation arises, such as food-borne illness litigation, consumer lawsuits, or other commercial claims, Faegre & Benson is able to handle each step through the litigation process.
After the situation is under control and all regulatory and safety concerns have been handled to the greatest extent possible, Faegre & Benson is available to assist the client in further developing its recall and crisis response documents and in devising solutions to assure the problem never happens again. This may include reviewing a HACCP plan or creating a more comprehensive hazard analysis plan required under FSMA, perhaps with more detailed preventive controls and hazard-based analysis.
Faegre&Benson将在任何食品安全问题的每个步骤中为客户提供有关法律和监管问题的建议,并在与Leavitt Partners和B&D Consulting的团队成员合适时紧密合作。整体方法可以最大化整体风险管理,以最大程度地减少成本和对公司的破坏。
Contaminated animal feed fed to swine can have multiple veterinary and human health implications. It also represents the challenge of navigating a regulatory situation that bridges both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service. As such a situation evolves, there are two significant angles that have to be addressed. The first is managing the immediate crisis and the second is finding ways to ensure that appropriate preventive controls are put in place to minimize the likelihood of a recurrence.
Leavitt Partners通过快速分析奸淫背后的科学及其如何影响人类健康的科学,具有评估公共卫生风险的专业知识和经验与人类疾病和死亡有关的品牌损害。这使客户可以就下一步做出明智的决定。如果已经有人类疾病已导致客户的产品,Leavitt Partners有能力迅速审查将人类疾病与客户的产品联系起来的流行病学,以确定协会的实力。随着这种情况的发展,我们与联邦和州调查人员的关系可以利用。Leavitt Partners’ personnel have held senior positions at both the FDA and FSIS and thus know how the agencies operate and think, and in this capacity can interact directly with the regulators along with the company to address the ongoing crisis as well as potential regulatory and enforcement actions.
如果需要发行有关危机的新闻或媒体沟通,Leavitt Partners在开发准确,适当的公共卫生信息方面具有丰富的经验,可以帮助公司通过书面新闻报表,相机访谈或通过其他手段。
历史表明,一旦一家公司遭受危机袭击,其未来就会采取两条途径之一:它遭受了无法弥补的损害,经常倒闭,或者它利用这种情况向客户和公众证明了从经验中学到的东西并且,通过沟通和行动,将自己定位为行业领导者。一旦危机在客户后面,就很容易忘记潜在的课程。但是,我们的经验告诉我们,这些是检查可能导致危机可能导致危机可能发生的风险的绝佳机会。即使在危机情况下,也应解决这一问题,在危机情况下,将新的预防策略确定并传达给客户,以确保客户解决未来的任何风险。Leavitt合作伙伴将在这种情况下与客户合作,以检查上游供应链风险以及如何控制它。这可能需要更改所需规范,分析证书或供应商审核的方法。它可能涉及产品跟踪和批次控制的变化,或者可以使用HACCP原则和有针对性的先决条件程序来重点进行内部处理。在采样计划,使用认可的实验室或测试策略方面,可能需要对产品测试进行重新评估。无论基本原因,诸如此类的情况都可以并且应该与客户一起利用,以关注“我需要做些什么以防止这种情况再次发生”的关键问题。 Leavitt Partners has the skills to guide the client through this process.
The crisis will trigger (in a well-run federal agency and department) establishment of a government crisis-response team whose actions will directly impact the company. Agency subject matter experts and political leaders may literally gather in a war room-like setting and by teleconference to gather situation-status information, identify problems and solutions, and impose their view of the best federal response.
clo工作sely with our partners in this collaboration, B&D Consulting would immediately take some of the following steps:
It is essential that the company establish a federal affairs crisis response that is rooted in a deep knowledge of the food safety-related issues at hand, that understands the agency's own crisis team and the other federal actors’ response in such a situation, and that delivers timely information, credibility, and results.