通过我的第一个任务 - 我们每周电子通讯新闻 - 我开始了解当前的活动会影响饲料和谷物业务的盈利能力和增长。
A sampling of the biggest headlines from summer 2007 include “Introducing DDGS: the Solution to Your Corn Supply Woes,” “Ethanol Demand for Corn Drives Grain Prices Higher,” “China’s Economic Boom Boosts Feed Grains Demand” and “Extreme Weather Contributing to Global Food Price Crisis.”
10年的差异是什么!Any subscriber of our now daily e-newsletter, Feed & Grain Industry Watch (which I hope all of you are), knows the news of day is dominated by the historically low corn prices, the global grain glut and the new President’s controversial views on trade.
One thing that hasn’t changed over my career here with Feed & Grain is the resilience of the people involved in the industry, who are constantly seeking opportunities in challenging times — ways to improve their risk management or grain handling strategies to better position themselves in the market.
我们读者和广告商的这种积极态度是我依靠的东西,因为我们适应我们随着时间的变化 - 在一起的变化 - 在一起。