如果你遵循Coach’s Corneror my weekly blog, you know how important I feel it is to ask good questions. I see salespeople fail everyday by not asking good questions. The reasons they fail in this key selling area are many. They’re not aware they should ask. They don’t know the right questions to ask. They feel like it’s too pushy or nosy to ask questions. They’re too focused on telling their customer about their products.
无论是什么原因,我一起召唤了三个简单的焦点区域“未能提问。”同时进行骑在有限公司aching session with a salesperson, these are three areas that I will ask the salesperson every time. I do this because it tells me if the salesperson knows their customer. Also, the answers to these questions chalk the playing field for how to approach the customer. Please understand that the questions below are not necessarily the exact wording I recommend. You might have to ask in different words or use a series of questions. However, the answers are critical to your success at helping your customer.
- How do you buy?
With large purchases, like a $150,000 tractor, there might be multiple steps and multiple people involved in the decision. I don’t think it’s intrusive at all to ask, “So, what factors do you consider when deciding on a tractor? How do you figure out the best tractor for your operation? Who all gets involved in picking the best tractor for your farm?” Notice, I never asked, “Who’s the decision maker?” That’s a salesperson focused version of the question. If someone asked me that verbatim, I would probably end the sales call as fast as possible.
- 你在哪里获得信息?
此信息如此重要的原因是您现在可以了解他们可能会筹集粮食时的理解。如果他们遵循国家已知的粮食营销顾问John Doe,您可以追随John并查看他推荐的内容。你现在有很好的洞察力,当你应该联系到这位客户时。
- What industry events do you attend and social media do you follow?
This provides insight into your customers information sources and how they make decisions. This information is helpful with both this individual customer as well as your whole customer base. If everyone seems to be following a particular web site on your product line, you should be as well.
The latest posts from these web sites or the latest speaker at their event gives you topics to explore with this customer. Here’s the important part of this line of questioning and it’s often missed by salespeople.您需要将大幅放到农场层面。How does the world politics, trade negotiations or the farm bill affect this customer, regarding your product, at this point in time?
If you don’t do that, you’re not selling. You’re just having a conversation that will likely go nowhere. They don’t need you for that. They need you to make sense of the big picture and what they should do on their farm. If you don’t know, you can ask them what they think of it. And if neither of you know, then I suggest changing the topic to something more productive.
They give you the insight needed to ask further questions and add value to your relationship with them. This sets you up to get deeper into the high-value questions, which lead to effecting change with your customer. One of those changes is becoming your lifelong customer.
—Greg Martinelli.