USDA最近潜在种植报告,在3月的前两个星期和在Covid-19对农业经济的影响之前进行的,揭示了农民打算在今年春天植入9700万英亩的玉米,从2019年起,占地730万英亩,或8%highest since 2012. Since corn farmers were surveyed, COVID-19 has changed the outlook for the global and farm economies and led to sharply lower ethanol and corn prices across the U.S., i.e.,冠状病毒将作物和牲畜价格送入尾座。
假设从过去10年的平均收获到工厂比例为2020年,占地9700万英亩等同于8880万英亩的收获玉米。使用每英亩178.5蒲式耳的当前收益率估计,玉米产量正在进行历史记录158亿蒲式耳。结合了最新的玉米玉米末端股21亿蒲式耳,预计新作物进口量为2500万蒲式耳,新作物玉米用品可能接近180亿蒲式耳 - 最高的记录和2019年玉米供应超过20亿蒲式耳。
On the demand side, USDA’s 2020 Agricultural Outlook Forum projections indicate 6.84 billion bushels of corn will go to feed, seed and industrial use (5.45 billion of which are used in corn ethanol production), 5.8 billion bushels will be used in feed and residual and 2.1 billion bushels will be exported -- amounting to 14.7 billion bushels used in total, the second-highest of all time. Despite this strong demand, ample supplies approaching 18 billion bushels would push ending stocks into the neighborhood of 3.2 billion bushels with a stock-to-use ratio of 21.8% -- a carryout not seen since the 1980s.
鉴于更新的需求预期,需要更少的玉米亩以防止库存繁重。基于当前的WASDE预测,美国农业部的2020/20101对产量和需求的预期,玉米种植亩需要减少660万英亩,以保持终止股票或低于25亿蒲式耳的股票。占地9040万英亩,收获的面积为8280万英亩。然后,假设每亩178.5蒲式耳的产量投影,总玉米供应将更接近170亿蒲式耳 - 从目前的期望下降10亿蒲式耳。减少的用品将导致股票与使用率为17.4%,并将为玉米价格提供支持。
With planting intentions of 97 million corn acres for 2020/2021, the U.S. is currently on track for record corn production and, given recent slowdowns in ethanol demand, potential ending stocks above 3 billion bushels, levels not seen since 1987. If ethanol demand fails to improve and ethanol capacity remains idled, corn supplies could be even more burdensome – lowering price expectations. We’re currently only 30 to 40 cents per bushel away from sub $3 old crop corn futures prices. However, in all things related to both the old and new crop, uncertainty remains.
Shelby Myers,经济学家