ASABE Updates Ag Ladder Standard

Includes revisions that bring the standard into alignment with updated OSHA 1910 Subpart D

Brownie Spiral Stairs Bin Ladders

The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) has published a revision to its standard for ladders and walkways.

ASAE S412.2 APR2020, Ladders, Cages, Walkways and Stairs, includes revisions that bring the standard into alignment with the updatedOSHA 1910 Subpart D – Walking Working Surfaces, January 17, 2017 (Federal Register Volume 81, No. 223), and modern ladder requirements. This standard was last revised in 1991.

ASABE members with standards access and those with site-license privileges can access the full-text via electronic download on the ASABE online Technical Library at Others can obtain a download for a fee directly from the library.

ASABE is recognized worldwide as a standards developing organization for food, agricultural, and biological systems, with more than 280 standards currently in publication. Conformance to ASABE standards is voluntary, except where required by state, provincial, or other governmental requirements, and the documents are developed by consensus in accordance with procedures approved by the American National Standards Institute. For information on this or any other ASABE standard, contact Scott Cedarquist at 269-932-7031,

ASABE is an international scientific and educational organization dedicated to the advancement of engineering applicable to agricultural, food, and biological systems. For more information, contact ASABE at (269) 429-0300, emailhq@asabe.orgor

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