Jan 05, 2022



Small soybean processing plants provide an outlet for local soybean producers and a valuable service to their local feed industry.

Unlike larger hexane gas plants, most of these plants use a mechanical extraction method where more oil is retained in meal for feed. While this is beneficial for feed, it creates merchandising challenges that many in the business struggle with.


  1. Exercising effective routines and processes
  2. Understanding and managing spreads
  3. 识别和捕获利润率

Exercising effective routines and processes


Are you managing your price risk for soybeans, soybean meal and soybean oil? These three commodities have their own pricing mechanism, basis and futures price.

The question that must be answered is, “where and how much price exposure do I have?” It would not be unusual for the typical processing plant to be long cash soybeans to be processed while also being short soybean meal and oil in the cash market.

坚实的例程将帮助评估how much price risk you have for each piece. The traditional “long and short” position report is one that every grain elevator knows very well. A report like this is easy to put together for soybeans, meal and oil. What is less easy is to connect is all the pieces to identify just how much price exposure there is to the operation. The good news is that it is possible, and there is nothing more important than taking the time to make sure you are doing it accurately and in a timely fashion.

Understanding and managing spreads

Managing soybean spreads is a critical facet of making sure you own the best soybean basis possible for your facility to crush. You must take a proactive role in locking in carries when they are available. Most merchandisers will tell you spreads are very important when it comes to managing flow of grain through your facility.


What is the difference in your mechanical spread needs versus the synthetic CME crush spread? Understanding your crush needs and tracking them along with your production is necessary for profitable operation. The CME offers the “Soybean Crush Synthetic” to its customers to help manage the crush spread.



For this plant to set the crush on 50,000 bushels of soybeans, they would need to buy that same 50,000 bushels of soybean and sell 12 100-ton contracts of soybean meal and six 60,000-pound contracts of soybean oil.

Recognizing and locking in profitable margins

Implementing solid tracking routines and processes and managing futures spreads gives your company a better chance of success because you can make accurate, informed decisions.

By managing and monitoring your price risk, you will reduce your market exposure to price movement. Doing the same thing with each of the commodity’s basis risk is just as important.



Scott Hansen

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Marketwatch: Jan, 10


high: 5.8903
low: 5.8303
close: 5.867

US Soybean Price Idx:zspaus.cm.

open: 13.3711
close: 13.6956


open: 7.4364
high: 7.6016
low: 7.4314


open: 6.9809
low: 6.9609