ADMissued its inaugural sustainable bond last year, consisting of $750 million in notes to expand a diverse range of environmental and social initiatives in eligible categories under the company's Sustainable Financing Framework criteria.
These initiatives include investing in research, development, and new products for sustainable agriculture, aquaculture, green buildings, energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean transportation, water and waste management, and pollution prevention and control.
ADM's recently published how the bonds where used in aSustainability Bond Allocation Report.
ADM has utilized $376.1 million of the $750 million from the sustainable bond offering as of this initial report. Nearly 75% of the allocated funds were channeled into projects that promote sustainable agriculture and the preservation of land and ecosystems.
这些举措对ADM的未来至关重要nd the food and agriculture supply chains globally. ADM's projects in this area include expanding production capacity to meet the rising demand for plant-based protein. Another critical focus of ADM's sustainable initiatives is socioeconomic advancement and empowerment, exemplified by SAVAN, a joint venture that established a traceable vanilla supply chain in Madagascar, with vanilla being bought above the market price to fund social and environmental programs in the growers' communities.
ADM aims to continue scaling up its sustainability efforts by allocating the remaining $367.4 million of net proceeds from the bond.