Slips, trips and falls are the most common type of incident in the grain handling industry. In November 2016, OSHA published its updated Walking/Working Surfaces Standard, the regulation that governs slips, trips and fall hazards in general industry, after decades of attempts to amend the rule.
The compliance date for either new or existing fall arrest or ladder safety systems recently went into effect, which is impacting impact grain, feed and processing facilities. Many questions remain, however, for members with respect to modifying workplace practices and physical installations, especially those related to fall protection, fixed ladders, and stairways.
KGFA and NGFA have teamed up once againto provide recommended best practiceson how to mitigate the slip, trips and fall hazards in light of the new regulatory requirements.
Date: Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Location: Kansas Department of Agriculture, 1320 Research Park Dr. Manhattan, KS 66506
Fee: $100 KGFA member & KDA/ $250 non-member
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