NGFA’s third annual Harvest Safety Week is August 23-27 with the themeTransforming Harvest Safety.
On each day of Harvest Safety Week, NGFA will offer safety resources related to one specific harvest safety topic plus new content.
This year's topics:
Monday 8/23:Transforming workplace safety culture
Tuesday 8/24:Dryer operations
Wednesday 8/25:Critical pieces of equipment
Thursday 8/26:Struck by
Friday 8/27:Harvest bin prep
Harvest Safety Week is an opportunity to recommit to employee safety. Use NGFA’s safety materials and share them as far and wide as possible, including with farmer-customers.
NGFA has videos, Safety Tips Sheets, webinars and other materials applicable to both commercial and farm facilities on itssafety page.
Follow#harvestsafetyweekon social media for more.