The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are hosting the Cybersecurity Summit for Private Industry Partners in Food and Agriculture on Tuesday, October 26.
The summit will provide a forum for sharing information among food and agriculture industry chief executive officers (CEO), chief information officers (CIO), and chief information security officers (CISO).
格雷格•贝克NGFA第一副主席和高级维克e president of the Grain Division at CGB Enterprises, is featured as a speaker.
“Ongoing ransomware attacks affecting the food and agriculture sectors demonstrate the importance of cybersecurity as an element of supply chain security,” notes USDA and FDA. “To this end, we are hosting this Cybersecurity Summit to discuss, with industry leaders, the threats cyber-attacks pose to the food and agricultural sector.
"We will also discuss what steps industry can take to harden their systems, reporting mechanisms, and resources available to mitigate existing threats. We will encourage dialogue that ensures attendees are familiar with the roles we each play in ensuring the safety and security of our shared industries.”
Please find the virtual summit information below. NGFA members should note the association will be announcing a webinar on cybersecurity issues specific to the grain, feed and processing industry in the coming weeks.
Meeting information:
Cybersecurity Summit
Date: October 26, 2021
Time: 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. EST
Log into the meeting hereusing passcode:cspi135!
The agencies request that attendeesRSVP here.
Questions should be directed toGary WashingtonorJaNelle Devore.