Man Rescued from Grain Bin in Cedar Rapids, IA

Crews employed specialized tools and finesse to perform the rescue from a 'treacherous' situation

Photo Source: Cedar Rapids Fire Department
Photo Source: Cedar Rapids Fire Department

Firefighters were called to perform a grain bin rescue of a trapped man Thursday afternoon at a farm, according to aFacebook postby the Cedar Rapids, IA, Fire Department,.

The man was trapped in corn up to his chest after a cavity below gave way and sucked him down into the grain.

Firefighters from successfully employed specialized isolation panels to isolate the victim and then remove the grain trapping him.

Once freed from the entrapment, he was removed from the silo through a hole cut in the side and transported to a local hospital for treatment.

According to the fire department, making this rescue even more treacherous was the way the corn caved-in on the man. One side stayed higher than the other and threatened to engulf him.

Firefighters had to employ specialized tools and finesse in performing the rescue. This was a unique effort involving Cedar Rapids Firefighters, Jefferson-Monroe Firefighters and crews from Cedar Rapids Public Works, who sent large vacuum trucks to help move the massive load of loose corn and facilitate the rescue.

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