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Wedgie Bolt™ Urethane Fastening System

  • Superior wearability
  • Has been pressure tested, with water, to 1200 PSI with no leakage
  • Locking effect means that bolt will not slip against urethane once it has been countersunk
  • Seals against urethane sheet, prohibiting seeping or leaking in wet applications without the use of messy sealants
  • When properly installed there is no interruption to flow due to protruding bolt head
  • Reduces likelihood of fungus buildup in hole/bolt crevice
  • Designed to allow maximum use and wearability of urethane or other material being fastened
  • "One-time" installation item - it should last as long as the sheet itself, reducing need for maintenance inspection
  • Available sizes for use with sheet thickness 1/4" - 1"


Urethane Wedgie Bolt Fastening System

Urethane Wedgie Bolts, Sheeting Installation.


Bailey-Parks Urethane

的使命Bailey-Parks聚氨酯,合并, is to serve the interests of our customers through the manufacturing and sale of exceptional products through a process of continuous self-improvement in areas of product quality, service and pricing that offers maximum value.

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Marketwatch: Dec, 18

cmdty National Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 5.7722
high: 5.8568
low: 5.7697
close: 5.8035

cmdty National Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 12.4512
high: 12.6439
low: 12.4437
close: 12.524

cmdty National Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 7.8582
high: 7.963
low: 7.7907
close: 7.8806

cmdty National Soft Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:ZWPAUS.CM

open: 7.256
high: 7.3282
low: 7.191
close: 7.2833