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Analytics & Insights

  • CarLogix optimizes asset health and railcar repair management
  • Powered by the industry leader in rail data and managed by a team with deep industry expertise, CarLogix offers best-in-class software for all your asset health, car repair billing and maintenance management needs
  • 设计的灵活性,可以implemen CarLogixted as a complete maintenance management solution or as individual modules
  • Automated reports that source equipment health information from multiple industry systems and keep you informed at all times
  • Leveraging the best visibility into component life across the North American fleet and using AI and advanced data science, Wheelset Intelligence predicts the optimal time to replace a wheelset and reduce your business' repair costs
  • With TransmetriQ's fleet insights, you'll be able to identify opportunities to minimize downtime and ownership costs
  • TransmetriQ分析家族设计的组件ned to enable component manufacturers and equipment owners to leverage component analyses to streamline approvals processes and improve decision-making — without hours of data analysis



TransmetriQ is powered byRailinc.We're a team of transportation experts, UX designers, data scientists and critical thinkers developing insights and solutions that help our customers build businesses that compete and win.

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Marketwatch: May, 08

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 7.7635
high: 7.7678
low: 7.621
close: 7.707

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 15.985
high: 16.0828
low: 15.8187
close: 15.8642

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 11.2332
high: 11.3557
low: 11.0807
close: 11.1752

US Soft Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:ZWPAUS.CM

open: 10.4989
high: 10.6617
low: 10.4014
close: 10.4725