ADM Animal Nutrition DHA Natur is a dried algae biomass rich in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and Omega-3 fatty acid, that provides the aquaculture industry with a sustainable alternative to fish oil sourced from commercially-reared and wild-captured fish. It is derived through a controlled fermentation process utilizing ADM’s micro algae-based technology that allows heterotrophic algae to be produced more efficiently than phototrophic algae. DHA Natur is comprised of 17-20 percent (as-is basis) DHA and is a high-quality meal product that is free of heavy metals and pesticides. DHA Natur is currently approved for use in the European Union and Chile, with plans to secure regulatory approval in the U.S. and Canada in the near future.
ADM Animal Nutrition DHA Natur Omega-3 fatty acid source
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