Grain Inspections Continue to Fall, Wheat Increases

Wheat inspections jumped 42% from previous week

Wheat 1149885 960 7201

8月9日当周的总检查grain (corn, wheat, and soybeans), for export from all major U.S. export regions, reached 2.34 million metric tons (mmt); down 8% from the previous week, up 24% from last year, and 8% above the 3-year average.

The Grain Transportation Report says wheat inspections jumped 42% from the previous week, but the increase could not offset the 35% drop in soybean inspections, the lowest since late June.

Inspections of wheat for export increased to Asia and Latin America. Total grain inspections increased 3% from the past week, in the Pacific Northwest (PNW), while Mississippi Gulf inspections decreased 25% for the same period.

Grain inspections, during the last four weeks, were up 20% from last year and 19% above the 3-year average.

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