CNpublished its2023-2024 Grain Plan, which builds on the operational improvements introduced this crop year.
“We at CN know that Canada's agricultural industry has always been the cornerstone of our nation's economy, contributing significantly to its growth and stability," saidTracy Robinson, CEO. "Through the collaborative efforts of CN and our supply chain partners, we aim to optimize the movement of agricultural goods efficiently and sustainably."
New actions, initiatives for 2023-24
CN said actions include the delivery of 750 new high-efficiency grain hopper cars in 2024, the expansion of CN’s locomotive modernization program to upgrade older direct current locomotives to the newer, more powerful and reliable alternating current technology, and a new precision dispatch system to help optimize train movement across the network.
CN said it will also standardize the improved coordination and execution established between network and field operations this year. CN’s staff resourcing for 2023-24 will be in line with anticipated customer demand. It will also account for new government regulations related to personal leave days and sick days that are expected to impact labor availability.
CN是一个nnual Grain Plan is prepared through extensive consultation with, and input from, key stakeholders, including the CN Agricultural Advisory Council – a group of western Canadian farmers and industry leaders. The plan reviews CN’s performance during the last crop year and assesses the company’s ability to move anticipated levels of grain during the upcoming crop year. It also explains specific steps CN is taking to ensure it has the capacity to move grain safely and efficiently on behalf of farmers, customers, and supply chain partners.