Commercial Grain Bin Failure in British Columbia

Incident at export terminal in North Vancouver resulted in no injuries

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Ag Growth International Inc. reports that on Friday September 11, a commercial grain storage bin manufactured by the company and located at a customer's export terminal in North Vancouver, BC, collapsed.

The incident did not result in any injuries.

The cause of and any responsibility for the incident is not yet known. AGI is not able to determine any costs it may incur related to the incident.

The grain storage bin that collapsed is part of a new and distinct product line that was developed and manufactured by AGI for two significant commercial projects.

Fifteen of these bins are located at the facility where the incident occurred and an additional 20 have been manufactured for another customer but have not yet been commissioned. As part of its standard protocol, in investigating this incident, AGI will be investigating all bins in the product line.


AGI is a leading provider of solutions for the global food infrastructure, including seed, fertilizer, grain, feed, and food processing systems. AGI has manufacturing facilities in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, India, France and Italy and distributes its product globally.

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