Survey Predicts Record Corn, Soybean Acres

Total area planted to crops in U.S. is expected to rise 3%


A survey from ProFarmer predicts farmers will plant a record number of corn and soybean acres this year,

The Pro Farmer/Doane survey revealed total area planted to crops in the U.S. is expected to rise to 319.4 million acres. That would be up nearly 3%, or 8.9 million acres, from 2020, which would mean U.S. acreage will hit the highest level since 2018.

The survey projects total corn and soybean plantings at a record 182.3 million acres, which would be up 8.4 million acres from last year.

Total acres planted to corn, soybeans, wheat and cotton, are expected to rise 9.5 million acres from last year.

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