Grain Inspections Lowest Since January 2019

Drops in inspections reflected 69% decrease in shipments through Mississippi Gulf

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6月24日当周的总检查grain (corn, wheat, and soybeans) for export from all major U.S. export regions totaled 1.4 million metric tons (MMT).

Total grain inspections were down 45% from the previous week, down 33% from last year, and down 35% from the three-year average.

Grain inspections were the lowest since the .500 MMT level of early January 2019.

Compared to the previous week, inspections of corn were down 43%; wheat, down 48%; and soybeans, down 49%.

These large drops in inspections reflected a 69% decrease in shipments through the Mississippi Gulf. Mississippi Gulf exports were down notably to Asia and South America. Pacific Northwest (PNW) grain inspections decreased 10% from the previous week.

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