USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has upgraded itsAgricultural Transportation Open Data Platform, marking the second major expansion to the platform launched in June 2019.
The expansion features new datasets and dashboards on the four modes — rail, truck, barge, and ocean vessel — used to transport agricultural products.
New and upgraded products on the updated platform include aGrain Transportation Cost Indicators and Global CompetitivenessDashboard with data on Brazil, Mexico, and Japan; an interactive report (and datasets) on theImportance of Highways to U.S. Agriculture; anAgricultural Rail Service Metrics Dashboard; an upgradedPort Profiles Dashboardwith additional, more granular data; an upgradedBarge Dashboard, including additional rivers and locks; newBiofuels Dashboard, including new biodiesel datasets; newGrain Trucking Indicators Dashboard; and aweb versionof the2021 Agricultural Transportation Research Compendium, highlighting the main findings and methods from recent research between 2015 and 2021.