Kansas Agri-Women (KAW), a statewide group that has been advocating for agriculture since 1974, announces its sponsorship at the bronze level of the 2021 Kansas Governor’s Summit on Agricultural Growth, which will be held virtually on Aug. 26. The Kansas Department of Agriculture is hosting the event. Register here:https://agriculture.ks.gov/AgGrowthStrategy/ag-summit-2021
Kansas Agri-Women joins nearly 30 leading agriculture organizations in sponsoring the summit, which features discussions on crossover topics as well as presentations by influential leaders in agriculture. Attendees will also share updates on all sectors of Kansas agriculture and discuss outcomes that have been identified for growth.
“We are so pleased to be part of this discussion and look forward to helping drive innovation and a positive future for all of Kansas agriculture,” says Lisa Nichols, of Carbondale, Kan., who serves as Kansas Agri-Women president.
Kansas Agri-Women Sponsors Kansas Ag Summit
The group will be a bronze sponsor of the 2021 Kansas Governor's Summit on Agricultural Growth
August 20, 2021