Lawsuit Alleges CHS Grain Elevator Violated Clean Water Act

Lawsuit states pollution above acceptable limits in Washington State's Spokane River


An environmental group has accused CHS Cooperative of violating the Clean Water Act by discharging pollutants at a grain elevator in Washington State.

According to theCapital Press, the Spokane Riverkeeper nonprofit has filed a federal complaint against the Minnesota-based CHS cooperative, alleging its facility in Rockford, WA, has released stormwater containing excessive levels of copper, zinc and turbidity into a nearby creek.

Tom Ryan, global director of corporate communications for CHS, said the cooperative is aware of the complaint and is reviewing its allegations.

In addition to operating a grain and bean elevator, the Rockford facility also sells fertilizers and pesticides at the 10-acre site, which has a stormwater collection and conveyance system covered by a Clean Water Act permit, according to the lawsuit.

设施没有符合水质圣andards or properly implemented best management practices, a pollution prevention plan or corrective actions as required under the permit, the complaint said. The plaintiff also accuses the facility of repeatedly not collecting or analyzing water samples.

Read the full reporthere.

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