USDA Crop Report: Corn, Soybean Conditions Decline

Heat and a lack of moisture in much of the country took a toll on U.S. crop conditions


TheUSDAhas released its17th Crop Progressreport this week.

According toProgressive Farmer, heat and a lack of moisture in much of the country took a toll on U.S. crop conditions last week, with good-to-excellent condition ratings for corn, soybeans and spring wheat falling.

Some relief may be on the way for much of the country this week -- at least temporarily -- according to DTN meteorologists.


  • As of July 24, 62% of corn is silking compared with the five-year average of 70%
  • USDA says 13% of the U.S. corn crop has reached the dough stage, right on the heels of the five-year average of 15%
  • In the top 18 corn growing states, crop condition was rated 61% good/excellent, a 3% drop from last week; 14% was rated poor/very poor


  • USDA’s report noted 64% of the soybean crop has bloomed, nearly catching up to the five-year average of 69%
  • Soybeans setting pods are at 26% across the top 18 soybean growing states. The five-year average for this point in the season is 34%
  • Soybean crop condition was rated 59% good/excellent, a 2% drop from last week; 11% were rated poor/very poor


  • Spring wheat was reported at 86% headed, making a big leap for the second week in a row, but still behind the five-year average of 96%
  • Spring wheat crop condition was rated 68% good/excellent, a 3% drop from last week; 8% was rated poor/very poor
  • 77% of the winter wheat crop has been harvested
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