The second day of theU.S. Grains Council (USGC)62nd Annual Board of Delegatesmeeting in Sacramento, CA, highlighted USGC program successes, offered insight into the coming Farm Bill and began a refresh of USGC’s strategic plan.
During the morning general session,USGC Vice President Cary Sifferathgave an around-the-world update on USGC activities in markets in which USGC has a presence.
“USGC has done a great job of establishing connections and relationships with industries and governments abroad,” Sifferath said.
“As the industries have changed their focus, USGC continues to adapt with them on behalf of developing markets, enabling trade and improving lives.”
USGC shares global success stories
Following Sifferath, attendees heard from selected directors and managers who shared USGC success stories from around the globe.
- Emily Byron, USGC director of global programs, shared China’s sorghum purchases and Indonesia’s purchases of DDGS for the poultry industry
- Stella Qian, USGC manager of global ethanol market development, discussed the United Kingdom’s move to implement E10 ethanol standard to develop a net zero transportation sector
- Katy Wyatt, USGC manager of global strategies reviewed how sorghum and DDGS feeding trials in Africa are changing the feed industries there
- Ana Ballesteros, USGC marketing director for the Latin America region, shared how implementing an extensive manufacturing training course has led to the modernization of Columbia’s feed industry
- Sadie Marks, USGC manager of global programs, discussed how USGC’s work with a major Mexican brewer has increased barley sales and encouraged future growth
A look toward the future Farm Bill
The morning session also featured国家玉米种植者协会CEO Jon Doggett, who discussed the outlook for the comingFarm Billthat houses theMarket Access Program (MAP)and theForeign Market Development Program (FMD), both of which help fund USGC’s work overseas.
In the afternoon, led by USGC Director of Strategic Initiatives and Engagement Melissa Kessler, attendees began work on USGC’s strategic plan, a guiding document that helps direct USGC’s actions over the next few years. Attendees discussed the priorities of each stakeholder group and how the plan should evolve over time.
The organization also held member sessions including agribusiness, general farm organizations, barley, corn and sorghum sectors that took up issues of importance about the commodities USGC represents.
The meeting concludes tomorrow with attendees participating in the board of delegates meeting where they will elect USGC officers and Advisory Team (A-Team) and sector leaders will offer their recommendations and reports regarding the future direction of USGC.
Find more from the meeting on social media using the hashtag #Grains22 or through thewebsite.