Registration is now open for five grain handling operations courses from the Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) and Kansas State University in February. These online courses run from Feb. 13 through March 17, and registration closes Feb. 7. Courses can be completed any time over the five week schedule, and each offering should take approximately 10 hours to complete.
GEAPS 501: Management Basics for Grain Facility Supervisors
This course will provide an extensive overview of the main duties, responsibilities and expectations of grain operations supervisors and managers. It will cover essential duties, topics and roles supervisors and managers need to understand, and why they are important.
GEAPS 506: The Grain Industry in Canada – Climate, Crops and People
This course offers a broad and comprehensive view of Canada’s multifaceted and historic grain industry. It will be a valuable resource for anyone who does business in or with Canada, or is a major player in the global grain economy. Participants will gain a better understanding of the influence of Canada’s climate and population, marketing, regulatory regimens, grading, cleaning and drying, quality control, rail transportation, domestic use and exports.
GEAPS 521: Aeration System Design and Fan Operational Management
Participants will learn the purpose of grain aeration, system components and how to develop strategies for aeration system design and fan operational management. The course covers basic principles of designing and operating grain aeration systems to maintain grain quality during storage.
GEAPS 530: Quality Management Systems for Bulk Materials Handling Operations
Participants will learn about quality management systems and how to use them in agricultural storage environments. This course provides strategies for integrating systems into normal business activities and teaches the skills needed to create food safety plans and develop quality management systems. After completing the course, participants should be able to do a basic quality analysis of facility operations and identify points where physical quality or economics are impacted.
GEAPS 551: Materials Handling II
Learnthe principles of dry bulk material flow, material properties and characteristics, components and selection of equipment and other considerations. This is the second of three courses offered on materials handling.
GEAPS 501andGEAPS 530are two of six courses required to earn theCredential in Grain Operations Management(CGOM). The CGOM is the first formal credential in the grain industry, and can be augmented with Specialist Credentials in Grain Quality Management, Grain Handling Equipment Management and Property and Casualty Risk Management.
Courses cost $685 for GEAPS members and $895 for non-members. Companies can save up to 20 percent on blocks of registrations with thevolume discount program, and lock in the price for three years. For more information about the courses or the GEAPS/K-State Distance Education Program, visit theGEAPS website,contactKatya Morrellor call (763) 999-4300.