办公室: | 1258年Parkwood追逐 Acworth, GA 30102-3499美国 |
电话: | 519-893-4200 |
免费: | 800-361-2114 |
网站: | http://www.dbcsmartsoftware.com |
电子邮件: | sales@dbcsmartsoftware.com |
OpenLink Agribusiness Solutions Group是农业和生物燃料行业先进企业软件的领先供应商。该旗舰产品,dbcSMARTsoft,是一套完整的应用程序,旨在解决采购,库存,生产,批次/仓库管理,订单物流,销售订单/发票,采购订单,销售分析,风险管理,RIN跟踪和报告和一个完整的财务系统的各个方面。dbcSMARTsoft可处理商品管理、采购和销售合同、商品销售、仓储(场内和场外)、进境、进境、出境和直接船票、预付款和最终结算(包括递延和模拟)、应计和发票匹配、实时风险头寸、期货和期权、合约/库存/衍生品的货币按市价计价,以及大量的报告和查询。整合市场数据,称重秤;第三方称重系统,以及自动任务调度是可用的。Every aspect of dbcSMARTsoft, from analysis, design, development, quality assurance, support and documentation is managed within the corporate office. This provides complete control over application functionality, workflow, technology, and version release schedules.First released over 13 years ago, dbcSMARTsoft, (then known as GrainSMART) has been the choice of scores of North America's successful agribusinesses. Stability, scalability, features and processes have evolved since that time, based on best business practices and efficiencies voted on by its customer User Groups. The comprehensive dbcSMARTsoft suite can deployed on your choice of databases, including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and Sybase. Of course, the system is Sarbanes-Oxley, bioterrorism compliant.
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