
Feed and Grain

Feed and Grain Staff


Marketwatch: Mar, 13

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

high: 7.3123
low: 7.1207
close: 7.3

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 16.1082
high: 16.2156
low: 16.0607
close: 16.1701

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 9.7183
high: 10.1819
low: 9.5108
close: 10.0526

US Soft Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:ZWPAUS.CM

open: 9.0276
high: 9.9596
low: 8.8426
close: 9.9596