Registration is now for theAmerican Feed Industry Association's nextonline feed manufacturing course, conducted in partnership withKansas State University, February 21 - March 28.
The five-week "AFIA 500: Fundamentals of Feed Manufacturing" distance education program provides an in-depth understanding of the feed manufacturing process, while allowing participants to work at their own pace and engage in online discussions with other students and university instructors.
The lectures for this course are available as narrated PowerPoint presentations that are available for both instant view or downloading. Quizzes, discussion questions and additional course materials are available via the AFIA 500 K-State's Canvas learning system.
Topics include:
- Process flow from particle size reduction
- Batching and mixing
- Conditioning and pelleting
- Boilers
- Post-pellet systems
- Packaging and loadout
- Maintenance
Program fees are $499 for members and $685 for nonmembers. The deadlineto registeris Thursday, February 16.