Microbes to Metabolites in Animal Production

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How can we use the microbial population of the gut to improve animal production There is a lot of discussion on what constitutes “gut health” and a “good microbiome”, but these are vague terms with few metrics that we can use in animal production. We must understand the relation between the microbial population throughout the gut of food animals, and how they differ in their ability to degrade feeds and the range of different metabolites and end-products produced in the process. These different metabolites and microbial populations greatly impact food animal production efficiency, animal health, sustainability, and food safety. Featured speakers include Bayo Sokale, DVM, Ph.D., Technical Manager Animal Nutrition BASF, North America, Todd Callaway, Associate Professor, Department of Animal and Dairy Science, and Todd Applegate, Professor & Head of Department of Poultry Science, both from University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

This webinar will broadcast at: 9:00 AM CST (Chicago) / 3:00 PM GMT (London) / 11:00 PM CST (Beijing).


1. “Balanced” versus “imbalanced” ecosystem within the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Impact of metabolites originating from commensal and pathogenic microbes within the gut.

3. Metabolites that positively impact gut integrity and homeostasis (acetate, butyrate etc.).

4. Effect of Monoglycerides of Short Chain and Medium Chain Fatty Acids on gut health.

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This webinar is sponsored by BASF and presented by WATTPoultry, Feed Strategy, and WATT Global Media.

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