On April 16, grain handlers, farmers and farm workers of the larger Coastal Bend, TX, area will gather for a one-day conference to review the latest safety standards and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules concerning grain handler safety saysa report at Southwest Farm Press.
The South Texas Grain Storage and Handler's Safety Conference is an annual event staged by a coalition of organizations including Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Nueces, San Patricio and Refugio County Farm Bureau, Woodsboro Farmer's Coop, South Texas County Elevators Association, Planter's Coop, and Driscoll Grain.
Organizers of the event remind us each year that tragedy strikes the industry when grain and elevator-related mishaps occur, trapping workers in a silo – a serious and life-threatening event. Knowing and understanding the dangers, recognizing early warning signs, being prepared for grain-related accidents, and having the right plan, skills and equipment to respond to an emergency are all critical in minimizing loss of human life.
At the upcoming South Texas Grain Storage and Handler's Safety Conference in Sinton, OSHA Compliance Assistance Specialist Marianne McGee of Corpus Christi will open the event with the latest updates in OSHA rules for grain handlers. The conference/workshop will also address pre and post fill fumigation of bins.
午餐后在附近的奶油搅拌器Restaurant in Sinton, a round-table discussion will be held to discuss overall facility safety, followed by a demonstration of the K-12 Rescue tool designed to cut into steel and concrete bins. Methods of retraction will also be discussed as well as machine safety equipment standards and reliability.
Those in attendance at the event can also opt to attend a CPR workshop for CEU credits awarded for completion following the afternoon conference session.
The cost of the conference is $20, which includes lunch, payable at the door and $27 for CPR certification (limited to 20 participants). Registration on-site begins at 8:30 a.m. For more information, contact Candace Moeller, Refugio County CEA at 361-526-2825 or Jason Ott, Nuecess County CEA at 361-767-5223.
Read the full reporthere.