Structural Issue Leads to Collapsed Grain Bin in Lebo, KS

No injuries after bin containing 12,000 bushels of grain collapsed at Murphy Agri

Nobody was injured after a bin containing approximately 12,000 bushels of grain collapsed in Lebo, KS on Wednesday.

According toKVOE Radio, the collapse happened just before 5 p.m. at theMurphy Agri LLCgrain elevator.

The owners told KVOE that they noticed structural issues around noon after a truck picked up a load of grain.

墨菲阿勒合伙人卡琳·墨菲说这诺里居民区上空dge allowed them to make some adjustments to prevent the collapse from turning into a more serious situation.

Watch the video below of the Lebo grain elevator grain bin collapse submitted by Deb Ellis.

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