Manufacturing the already familiar Agri-Vac line of grain and oilseed transfer units, Walinga recognized their consumers demand for smaller portable versions of their industrial conveyance and transfer product lines. The portable “Walinga 2506 Industrial Vac” fills a void between marketed-as-heavy-duty consumer grade ‘toy’ shop vacs and the industrial strength PTO/Diesel/Gas/Electric commercial grade pneumatic transfer equipment for which Walinga is world renowned.
The 2506 Industrial Vac starts life as a full-fledged Walinga 506 blower. The proprietary and field tested super hardened cast blower casing and unique impeller design utilize the same principals and manufacturing processes as Walinga’s largest Diesel Ship-Unloader lines. Walinga then reverse engineered the scale of their steel pre-cleaner, filter and removable aluminum collection canister (which includes its own, back-saving, forklift points) to perform at maximum efficiency with manageable two inch clean up hoses, sweeper head and crevice tools. Combining the brains; Walinga and their clients experience, with the brawn; Walinga’s hyper efficient powerful component parts, you end up with one serious vac that’s up to most any challenge. Remember too that Walinga transports bulk near damage free on a cushion of air.
In a class all its own, Walinga’s 2506 Industrial Vac could be the most powerful industrial grade portable vacuum unit on the market, available in both gasoline and electric versions, it is certainly one the most well made. Instead of pushing something under spec’d to the limits of performance, the 2506 Industrial Vac performs effortlessly and well within its capabilities. Scaled down big rig performance designed to be easily managed by a single operator. Simply roll the twentynine-inch-wide, hand-trolley style, formed steel frame to where it is needed, connect a fourteen foot by two-inch hose section, grab the desired steel head attachment and get to work. Collected spills are quickly reclaimed in a removable 30-gallon canister while a washable MERV10 filter removes airborne particulate. Only healthy clean air is released back into the work environment.
The uninitiated might perceive it’s over spec’d, but to the experienced; not having to replace prematurely worn or broken parts OR not having to jerry rig fixes when you need your vac working the most – during a spill, is more than worth the value of having the right tool for the job. Time will tell, but it follows in the ethos of other Walinga products that this vac is designed tough, is easily field serviceable and will perform its duties for generations.
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