EarnPreventive Controls Qualified IndividualandHACCPtraining certificates by participating in the three-day NGFA-KSU FSMA Feed Industry Training. The program is accredited by the International HACCP Alliance and delivers the FDA-recognized curriculum for the Preventive Controls for Animal Food rule.
Topics Covered will include:
- FDA's current Current Good Manufacturing Practice and Preventive Controls rule for animal food
- Evolution of risk-based food safety preventive controls (HACCP)
- Animal food safety plan
- Good manufacturing requirements
- Hazard analysis and preventive controls determination
- Process and sanitation controls
- Preventive controls management components
- Recall plan
Please Note:
This particular course istwo separate courses连续提供。课程offering includes registration fees to cover both the PCQI and the HACCP components. Please reach out to Brandi Miller, 785-532-4053 or at[email protected]with any questions.