Insta-Pro International® (insta-pro.com) is pleased to announce its launch of the trademarked Consumer Labeling Program in partnership with Bell & Evans (bellandevans.com) at the International Production & Processing Expo, January 31, 2018 – February 2nd, 2018.
“Insta-Pro has been a leader in providing chemical-free, mechanical processing solutions to the world for nearly 50 years. In-line with recent consumer driven trends towards food transparency, the goal of the Consumer Labeling Program is to build consumer awareness and preference toward meat, milk, and eggs produced by feeding hexane-free, extruded protein.” Kevin Kacere, President, CEO Insta-Pro International
The Consumer Labeling Program allows producers to inform consumers of their use of hexane-free soy protein by labeling their products as “hexane-free, fed with extruded soy”. Bell & Evans is the first company to obtain a licensing agreement through Insta-Pro and is the exclusive launch partner.
“100% of Bell & Evans soybean meal is hexane-free and has been for over two decades. We partnered with Insta-Pro early on to achieve that commitment and we’re happy to support them now in promoting hexane-free, extruded soy.” Scott Sechler, Owner Bell & Evans.
Learn more about this program and other services at Insta-Pro booth B6345.