Co-opérative Régionale de Nipissing Sudburyis making a substantial $1.7-million investment in upgrading its receiving and storage capacity at its Temiskaming Agriculture Centre in Thornloe, ON.
Northern Ontario Businessreports the agricultural landscape in the region is changing dramatically with outside interest in acquiring farmland and a more diverse crop base from existing farmers.
The operation is one of the oldest grain-handling facilities in the area and hasn’t seen a major investment for quite some time. Once known as Tem Grain, it was acquired by the co-op in 2001.
The co-op will be doubling the receiving capacity by installing a 10,000-bushel an hour elevator leg, which translates to 250 tonnes/hour.
的改进也会增加存储容量to 170,000 bushels with four wet bins at 60,000 bushels and one dry bin for 110,000 bushels.
Read the full articlehere.