Bo Moran has been named sales manager in forMaxi-Tronic, Inc., according to Scott Chant, president.
In his new position, Moran will be responsible for the sale of Maxi-Tronic products and services, by training and quoting to customers and reseller partners.
Moran will also provide after-sale project management until installation and commissioning are complete, as well as, technical and diagnostics support. While his focus will be Maxi-Tronic driven, Moran will also assist with Safe-Grain products.
Maxi-Tronic, Inc. designs and manufactures products for hazard monitoring of bucket elevators, conveyors, and rotating machinery. Products include temperature reading hardware and software, including, bearing and gearbox temperature sensors, belt misalignment sensors, motion/speed sensors, and flow/no flow detection. Monitor and control systems range from motion controllers to computer software monitoring for complete analog and/or digital sensor systems.
Prior to his employment with Maxi-Tronic, Inc. Moran was employed with the manufacturer of an advanced smart meter and billing system. He was also formerly employed as a sales representative with Continental Agra Equipment, and as a manager in the construction trades.