Ernest "Ernie" Micek, who ascended from poor farm boy in western Wisconsin to chief executive of one of the world's largest private companies, Cargill Inc., died last month after a long illness, reports theStarTribune. He was 84.
Micek grew up near Arcadia, WI, and went on to study chemical engineering at the University of Wisconsin and was immediately hired upon graduating in 1959 by Cargill to work as night shift supervisor at an oilseeds plant in Norfolk, VA. From there, Micek gradually climbed the ladder, working solely for Cargill for his entire 42-year career.
Micekbecame chief operating officer in 1994 and CEO in 1995. He retired four years later.
He is survived by his wife, Sally; son Scott; daughters Stephanie Luetkehans, Jennifer Micek and Mollie Preston; 10 grandchildren; one great-granddaughter, and a sister, Phyllis Ziegeweid. Services have been held.