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Feed & Grain Live’s inaugural event takes place on August 22-23 in Altoona, IA ... so don’t miss out!

FG Live

My background in media includes helping launch trade magazines and custom publishing (content marketing in today’s lingo) products. Doing the research, figuring out what the audiences wanted, then getting involved in creating a new product was always exciting. And still is!

In August, the launch of Feed & Grain Live culminates with our inaugural event. There’s always the potential for a few headaches (maybe more than a few) when you’re creating something new, but it always gets my adrenaline going.

Feed & Grain Live started with a very basic idea: Is there valued, educational information we should be offering to our audience in a longer-form format? We talked through a couple of concepts, discussed various formats, ultimately focusing on the need for a conference. There is value in hearing directly from knowledgeable presenters who deliver information that you can take home and use.

With some field work and direct research, Elise and Steven on our editorial team filtered through several ideas for the type of content that would have impact and value. In the end, it wasn’t a tough decision.

The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act is bearing down fast and of particular importance to anyone who handles and processes grain. There are about 40 sections to the new law, based on what I found online. Navigating these rules, and knowing and understanding which aspects affect you as a grain handler or feed manufacturer, is a significant hurdle. As noted in the FDA’s Operational Strategy document, “Implementation of FSMA’s preventive controls mandate in food and feed facilities will build on FDA’s experience … specifically FDA’s familiar roles in issuing rules and guidance and conducting inspections to assess and enforce compliance.”

Our conference (you can find more details on Page 31) includes information for grain facilities as well as for feed manufacturers. You’ll also learn about safety plans to protect people and property, about recruiting and retaining the next generation of leaders for your business, and trends affecting feed and grain businesses — and our industry overall. We’re packing a lot into a two day conference, being very respectful of your time commitment.

With all of the educational tracks for the conference falling into place, the excitement continues to build for us. I hope to see you there!

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